Monday, March 31, 2008

10, 20, 30 Years Ago...

My friend J. Wo (who you can access from my sidebar -->) had this meme (as if I really know what that means!) on her blog and I really enjoyed reading it, so I tagged myself and will share! Let me know if you decide to do the same...

TEN years ago...Shane and I were getting ready to move into our new house! Our actual moving date was May 5 (Cinco de Mayo!), but we had already started to organize things for packing. (What's funny about that is here we are now, ten years later, and we're just now in the process of finishing our basement! LOL!) Our awesome twin baby girls were four months old, which marked the beginning of a magical season with them. They were finally through the colic stage (PTL!) and were now vocalizing and smiling in heart-melting ways. I remember holding Lexi up and singing "Laaaaa" to her and she'd throw back her head with this gummy grin and sing it back to me. And then while her mouth was wide open she'd swoop in and try to gum my chin. Baby attack! It was so precious! When I did it to Maisie she'd just cackle at her goofy mom and then shove her fist into her mouth. (I'm thinking four months must be the period Freud referred to as the oral stage? Hmm...)

TWENTY years ago...Let's see, 1988. I was just about to finish up my freshman year of college! My man was living in Tyler, Texas at the time, so I was no doubt devising a plan for spending my summer with him there. It must've worked because I ended up doing that! Still, I remember really enjoying my freshman year of college. I was no longer intimidated by the whole "academics" thing and found out I was really pretty good at "doing college"--If there's a job that entails just taking classes and getting paid a nice salary, SIGN ME UP! I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career, but I remember taking an Intro. to Social Work class to see if I'd like that. I didn't. The 40 hours of volunteer work I did revealed that I was far too emotional to be of much help to people who needed not pity, but practical, assertive help. Fashion staples in my closet twenty years ago included really long, straight skirts worn with a big belt, granny boots, and tops or jackets with really wide shoulder pads. We also pegged our jeans (and hush!--you KNOW you did it too!). The baggier our high-waisted acid-washed jeans were at the top and the tighter they were at or above the ankle, the better! I had the same long spiral perm with big bangs that everyone else had. Bobby Brown, Young MC, Sting, Prince, and Bon Jovi played on my cassette tapes!

THIRTY years ago...I was nine years old. That makes me younger than my girls are now, so I'm thinking I was in third grade? If that's the case, I was sitting in Mr. Oller's 3rd grade room probably being nervous about learning long division and fractions. I remember trading posters with friends--I gave away anything that would score me a Leif Garrett or Andy Gibb poster. Shaun Cassidy hung in there for awhile but faded out after the Hardy Boys stopped airing. I remember Ponch from CHiPs being a hot item too, and at recess my friends and I played "Charlie's Angels." I always got "stuck" playing Sabrina. :-)


JenniferLayne said...

I'm not sure what "meme" means either--I guess that it's "me" writing about "me"!?! (I just made that up!!)

I soooo pegged my jeans. I hear that tight-legged jeans are back/coming back. I've just now gotten completely used to wide jeans. How can we possibly keep up???

I'm so glad you shared.


Beams of Light Ministries said...

That's too funny! I loved walking back with you through 10...20...30 years! I feel like I know you more and more all the time. Blogs are wonderful huh?


Marsha said...

I want to see a picture of that spiral perm! And I might be willing to do a lot of stuff to score a Leif poster today! (Not one of how he LOOKS today, mind you, I would still want the "back then" pose.) You realize some of those reading this have no clue who he is, right? Thanks for that little trip down memory lane! We would've been friends then too, I'm sure!