Thursday, January 8, 2009

You Might Be a Redneck If...

You might be a redneck if... drive a muddy Ford F150 with deer remains in the back to work because the Mercedes is in the shop. (The Benzo is just a cover anyway.)'re belting out country songs with the radio while you and your daughter grind the meat of two deer that have been hanging in your garage for too many days now. (Thank goodness it's been cold!

Seriously. That's how Maisie and I spent this evening. Basketball Coach Dad had a 4:00 and a 6:00 practice with each of the other two kids, so it was up to Mais and me to get the venison in freezer-friendly form. Shane had gotten everything set up for us so our system was practically up and running for us. We just added the elbow grease. :-) Now that's country, y'all!


Unknown said...

i have to say that meat stuff is kinda disgusting. but kudos to you guys for doing all that hard work. =)

Paula said...

You are a good woman........ I have great respect for you.

Sara Boyer said...

I love it! That sounds very familiar! I think we've all worked really hard to become the rednecks that we are. Although, I have to say - it looks like you and Mais are getting really good at it!! :)